I can alter props.conf via the REST API using the following request:
curl -k -u admin:password https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/configs/conf-props -d name=source::/logs/mylog.log -d TRANSFORMS-null=setnull
This will add the following stanza to props.conf:
TRANSFORMS-null = setnull
However, is there a way I can get the same results using the Python SDK?
Hi @tqi_raurora,
You can use below python sdk script to create and modify props stanza. I am strongly recommending to test this script in Test environment first.
Let's say script name is test_props_sdk.py
import sys
import splunklib.six as six
import urllib
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import getpass
import json
HOST = raw_input("Enter splunk server hostname/ip: ")
PORT = 8089
splunkUser = raw_input("Enter Splunk Admin Username: ")
splunkPassword = getpass.getpass("Enter Splunk Admin Password: ")
ce_param = raw_input("Create or Modify props: ")
if ce_param == 'Modify':
stanza_name = raw_input("Enter props stanza name: ")
stanza_encoded = urllib.quote_plus(stanza_name)
props_param = raw_input("Props parameter in json format: ")
connection = six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection(HOST, PORT)
body = urllib.urlencode({'username': splunkUser, 'password': splunkPassword})
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Host': HOST
connection.request("POST", "/services/auth/login", body, headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
content = response.read()
session_key = ElementTree.XML(content).findtext("./sessionKey")
connection = six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection(HOST, PORT)
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Host': HOST,
'Authorization': "Splunk %s" % session_key
body = urllib.urlencode(json.loads(props_param))
if ce_param == 'Create':
connection.request("POST", "/servicesNS/nobody/search/configs/conf-props/" , body, headers)
elif ce_param == 'Modify':
connection.request("POST", "/servicesNS/nobody/search/configs/conf-props/" + stanza_encoded, body, headers)
print("Please provide correct input")
response = connection.getresponse()
content = response.read()
print content
If you would like to create new props stanza, script will prompt for many parameters as below (Make sure to use double quotes while passing value in JSON format otherwise script will fail)
$ python test_props_sdk.py
Enter splunk server hostname/ip: SERVERNAME
Enter Splunk Admin Username: admin
Enter Splunk Admin Password:
Create or Modify props: Create
Props parameter in json format: {"name": "source::/log/mylog.log", "TRANSFORMS-null": "setnull"}
And if you would like to modify existing props stanza, script will prompt for many parameters as below (Make sure to use double quotes while passing value in JSON format otherwise script will fail)
$ python test_props_sdk.py
Enter splunk server hostname/ip: SERVERNAME
Enter Splunk Admin Username: admin
Enter Splunk Admin Password:
Create or Modify props: Modify
Enter props stanza name: source::/log/mylog.log
Props parameter in json format: {"TRANSFORMS-null": "setnull123"}
I hope this helps.
A simple way would be using the client module: http://dev.splunk.com/python#client
from splunklib.client import connect
service = connect(
{'TRANSFORMS-null': 'setnull'}
Hi @tqi_raurora,
You can use below python sdk script to create and modify props stanza. I am strongly recommending to test this script in Test environment first.
Let's say script name is test_props_sdk.py
import sys
import splunklib.six as six
import urllib
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import getpass
import json
HOST = raw_input("Enter splunk server hostname/ip: ")
PORT = 8089
splunkUser = raw_input("Enter Splunk Admin Username: ")
splunkPassword = getpass.getpass("Enter Splunk Admin Password: ")
ce_param = raw_input("Create or Modify props: ")
if ce_param == 'Modify':
stanza_name = raw_input("Enter props stanza name: ")
stanza_encoded = urllib.quote_plus(stanza_name)
props_param = raw_input("Props parameter in json format: ")
connection = six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection(HOST, PORT)
body = urllib.urlencode({'username': splunkUser, 'password': splunkPassword})
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Host': HOST
connection.request("POST", "/services/auth/login", body, headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
content = response.read()
session_key = ElementTree.XML(content).findtext("./sessionKey")
connection = six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection(HOST, PORT)
headers = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Host': HOST,
'Authorization': "Splunk %s" % session_key
body = urllib.urlencode(json.loads(props_param))
if ce_param == 'Create':
connection.request("POST", "/servicesNS/nobody/search/configs/conf-props/" , body, headers)
elif ce_param == 'Modify':
connection.request("POST", "/servicesNS/nobody/search/configs/conf-props/" + stanza_encoded, body, headers)
print("Please provide correct input")
response = connection.getresponse()
content = response.read()
print content
If you would like to create new props stanza, script will prompt for many parameters as below (Make sure to use double quotes while passing value in JSON format otherwise script will fail)
$ python test_props_sdk.py
Enter splunk server hostname/ip: SERVERNAME
Enter Splunk Admin Username: admin
Enter Splunk Admin Password:
Create or Modify props: Create
Props parameter in json format: {"name": "source::/log/mylog.log", "TRANSFORMS-null": "setnull"}
And if you would like to modify existing props stanza, script will prompt for many parameters as below (Make sure to use double quotes while passing value in JSON format otherwise script will fail)
$ python test_props_sdk.py
Enter splunk server hostname/ip: SERVERNAME
Enter Splunk Admin Username: admin
Enter Splunk Admin Password:
Create or Modify props: Modify
Enter props stanza name: source::/log/mylog.log
Props parameter in json format: {"TRANSFORMS-null": "setnull123"}
I hope this helps.
Thank you, very appreciated!