Here, the requirement is to delete all the data from KVStore having the particular KVStore filed value.
Example: I have a KVStore for student data with Name, Std, roll_number.
In my KVStore, I have all the student information across all the standards.
So my use cases re,
You can create as many use cases as you think. 🙂
By using below options, you can delete all the records from specific collection OR delete specific records from specific collection using _key
ID. Let's see all the ways of deleting records using CURL.
1) Delete all records in the "kvstorecoll" collection:
curl -k -u admin:yourpassword -X DELETE https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/kvstoretest/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll
2) Delete the record with the key ID " 5410be5441ba15298e4624d1":
curl -k -u admin:yourpassword -X DELETE https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/kvstoretest/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll/5410be5441...
You can find the above curl commands in documentation.
As per our requirement, we need to delete specific records.
For deleting specific records, we have to use query parameters in our REST/CURL.
3) Delete the records with the Standard value 10
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query\=\{\"std\"... -g -X DELETE
4) Delete the records with the Standard value from 5 to 10
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query\=\{\"\$and\":\[\{\"std\":\{\"\$gt\":4\}\},\{\"id\":\{\"$lt\":11\}\}\]\} -g -X DELETE
Note: In case, any REST/CURL not working as expected then make sure your query parameter value which should be encoded with the %
My 4th example doesn't work properly for me for a few cases. So converted it into % encoding and It works like charm.
Updated 4)
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query=%7B%20%22%... -g -X DELETE
You can find more about the query parameters and operators in the below docs.
Happy Splunking
By using below options, you can delete all the records from specific collection OR delete specific records from specific collection using _key
ID. Let's see all the ways of deleting records using CURL.
1) Delete all records in the "kvstorecoll" collection:
curl -k -u admin:yourpassword -X DELETE https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/kvstoretest/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll
2) Delete the record with the key ID " 5410be5441ba15298e4624d1":
curl -k -u admin:yourpassword -X DELETE https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/kvstoretest/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll/5410be5441...
You can find the above curl commands in documentation.
As per our requirement, we need to delete specific records.
For deleting specific records, we have to use query parameters in our REST/CURL.
3) Delete the records with the Standard value 10
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query\=\{\"std\"... -g -X DELETE
4) Delete the records with the Standard value from 5 to 10
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query\=\{\"\$and\":\[\{\"std\":\{\"\$gt\":4\}\},\{\"id\":\{\"$lt\":11\}\}\]\} -g -X DELETE
Note: In case, any REST/CURL not working as expected then make sure your query parameter value which should be encoded with the %
My 4th example doesn't work properly for me for a few cases. So converted it into % encoding and It works like charm.
Updated 4)
curl -k -u admin:admin123 https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/test/storage/collections/data/kvstorecoll\?query=%7B%20%22%... -g -X DELETE
You can find more about the query parameters and operators in the below docs.
Happy Splunking
There are a couple of apps out there that give you a curl SPL command too... you could in theory do this from splunk search.