How can I find out how often the forwarders are sending their logs to indexers? How to search in splunk enterprise
Hi @rodneymitch80,
the first check to perform is surely the one hinted by @richgalloway ,
then you could run a search to understand the delay between timestamp and indextime:
| eval delta=_indextime-_time
| stats max(delta) AS max min(delta) AS min avg(delta) AS avg BY host
| bin span=1h _indextime
| eval delta=_indextime-_time, indextime=strftime(_indextime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| stats max(delta) AS max min(delta) AS min avg(delta) AS avg BY host indextime
Check inputs.conf.
If the stanza name begins with monitor:// or WinEventLog:// then the log is forwarded whenever new data is detected (almost immediately). The UF's own logs are processed by a monitor stanza.
if the stanza name begins with script:// then data will be forwarded according to the interval= setting (default is 60 seconds).
There are other stanza types, but these are most common for forwarding logs.