Hi All,
Can you please help me to extract the fields and related data from vmstat logs which are coming into splunk,Below the logs lines:
memTotalMB memFreeMB memUsedMB memFreePct memUsedPct pgPageOut swapUsedPct pgSwapOut cSwitches interrupts forks processes threads loadAvg1mi waitThreads interrupts_PS pgPageIn_PS pgPageOut_PS
7000 xx8 xxx5 9.4 90.6 1561978416 100.0 85616943 4002987866 3965557908 66831877 250 3251 11.04 9.04 27902.02 48.24 2132.66
There is a command multikv, it works for tabled data like we get from Unix/Linux machines:
index=foo host=abc* sourcetype=vmstat
| bucket _time span=5m
| multikv fields
| stats avg(memUsedPct) as MemoryUsed by host
There is a command multikv, it works for tabled data like we get from Unix/Linux machines:
index=foo host=abc* sourcetype=vmstat
| bucket _time span=5m
| multikv fields
| stats avg(memUsedPct) as MemoryUsed by host
Are you looking for help interpreting the data, i.e., what each numerical field represents? Or are you looking for help with parsing into individual fields?