Hi @dhavamanis
There are large number of the same, if not similar, question already posted on Answers. Do the search(es) in this post answer your question? There's an option per day and per month.
Hi @dhavamanis
There are large number of the same, if not similar, question already posted on Answers. Do the search(es) in this post answer your question? There's an option per day and per month.
Thanks, i have just added wildcard search for source to get the results.
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log*" type=Usage | eval yearmonthday=strftime(_time, "%Y%m%d") | eval yearmonth=strftime(_time, "%Y%m%d") | stats sum(eval(b/1024/1024/1024)) AS volume_b by idx yearmonthday yearmonth | chart sum(volume_b) over yearmonth by idx
Great, I'm glad it helped you find your solution 🙂