I am attempting to use an HEC with basic authentication via HTTPS, but receiving a response 403 "Forbidden" when using the authorization header as Base64 encoded username:password pair.
The username:HEC token works as is hinted in the documentation, so my question is whether there is any way to use a user's password for authentication, or a session key from a login request, when posting data to an HEC.
If not, are there any endpoints that will return a response on an HTTP request?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
Based on the documentation showing authentication only using a HEC token, I infer it is not possible to use a username and password to authenticate. One must use a token.
Consider submitting feedback on the documentation if you would like that clarified.
You must provide the token in order for HEC to work (you can many different inputs at the same API endpoint distinguished by unique token), so the token is necessary. Maybe (I haven't tested) you can _also_ provide basic auth but it seems pointless.
Based on the documentation showing authentication only using a HEC token, I infer it is not possible to use a username and password to authenticate. One must use a token.
Consider submitting feedback on the documentation if you would like that clarified.