You can use the _cd field, which contains "bucket_id:event_offset" for that particular event.
I used the following search to find which buckets my events were going into:
index=myindex | eval BID = replace(_cd, "(\d+):\d+", "\1") | top BID
Remember that bucket IDs only have meaning within that index, not across them. You could easily do things like filter by timerange:
index=myindex _time>=1234567890 _time<=1234567899| eval BID = replace(_cd, "(\d+):\d+", "\1") | top BID
Thanks. I ended up with a search like this:
my search here | eval bucket_event_id=_cd | rex field=bucket_event_id "(?<bucket_id>[^:]+):" | stats count by index sourcetype splunk_server bucket_id | sort splunk_server bucket_id
On Splunk 6.4, _cd doesn't seem to be a field... Does anyone know how to identify which bucket an even is in on the newer versions?
You can use the _cd field, which contains "bucket_id:event_offset" for that particular event.
I used the following search to find which buckets my events were going into:
index=myindex | eval BID = replace(_cd, "(\d+):\d+", "\1") | top BID
Remember that bucket IDs only have meaning within that index, not across them. You could easily do things like filter by timerange:
index=myindex _time>=1234567890 _time<=1234567899| eval BID = replace(_cd, "(\d+):\d+", "\1") | top BID
Take care! the rex in the "replace" commando is wrong because the backslash before "d+" and before "1" is truncated by this editor!!!
Il should be
index=myindex | eval BID = replace(_cd, "('backslash'd+):'backslash'd+", "'backslash'1") | top BID