Is there an app/script/mechanism out there that would allow you to list your available frozen indices by their human readable date/timestamps and allow you to move them back to thawed state and rebuild?
If the index is on linux, you can run this cli command in the frozen directory to list the human readable start and end dates/times for the buckets and pipe it to a txt file for review...
Format to list bucket names with start and end dates
ls -d1 db_* | gawk -F'_' '{print $0} {print " " strftime("%c", $3)} {print " " strftime("%c", $2)}'
sample output
Wed 07 Nov 2018 12:19:51 PM EST
Tue 05 Feb 2019 12:18:08 PM EST
Tue 05 Feb 2019 12:22:15 PM EST
Sun 10 Feb 2019 12:12:21 AM EST
That doesn't answer my question. Was looking for a script or an app that would allow me to list my available frozen indices and the date/timestamp in a human readable format. Something that would make validating the indices and thawing them easier.
Any suggestions anyone?
Any Splunk people have any suggestions?