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Forwarding data from Heavy forwarder to syslog server


I setup syslog output forwarding per the Splunk docs, but am not seeing anything being sent out nor receiving it on the endpoint.

Here is what I have applied on the heavyforwarder outputs.conf

 defaultGroup = indexer_group,forwarders_syslog
 useACK = true

 server = indexer_ip_address:indexer:port
 clientCert = xxxxxxxx
 maxQueueSize = 20MB
 sslPassword = xxxxxxxxx

 server = syslog_ip:syslog_port
 clientCert = xxxxxxx
 maxQueueSize = 20MB
 sslPassword = xxxxxxxx
 blockOnCloning = false
 dropClonedEventsOnQueueFull = 10
 useACK = false

Note :-
The configuration for forwarding the data to syslog can be found under [tcpout:forwarders_syslog]

The following errors are found on splunkd.log when the heavy forwarder trying to forward the logs to syslog server

 WARN  TcpOutputProc - Cooked connection to ip=syslog_ip:syslog_port timed out
 ERROR TcpOutputFd - Connection to host=syslog_ip:syslog_port failed
 WARN  TcpOutputFd - Connect to syslog_ip:syslog_port  failed. Connection refused

Also I do not see any connection issues when I'm trying to trouble shoot as follows :-

In heavy forwarder :-
Tried to telnet to the syslog server from heavyforwarder with the specified port and see that it's got conected.

In receiving server

netstat -tnlp | grep rsyslog

Tried the above and see that the specified port in Heavy forwarder is listening in TCP

Not sure where and what else should I be checking to transfer the data whatever the heavyforwarder is currently transffering to Indexer also to a syslog server.

0 Karma
1 Solution

Ultra Champion

You need a [syslog:<target_group>] not a [tcpout:forwarders_syslog] group.

,forwarders_syslog from [tcpout]


defaultGroup = forwarders_syslog

Change the last stanza to

  server = syslog_ip:syslog_port
  #the below options are not supported
  #clientCert = xxxxxxx
  #maxQueueSize = 20MB
  #sslPassword = xxxxxxxx
  #blockOnCloning = false
  #dropClonedEventsOnQueueFull = 10
  #useACK = false

Once you have that you need to configure routing in props.conf and transforms.conf

But quick example.


[my sourcetype]
TRANSFORMS-my_sourcetype_syslog = send_to_syslog


FORMAT = forwarders_syslog
If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!

View solution in original post

Ultra Champion

You need a [syslog:<target_group>] not a [tcpout:forwarders_syslog] group.

,forwarders_syslog from [tcpout]


defaultGroup = forwarders_syslog

Change the last stanza to

  server = syslog_ip:syslog_port
  #the below options are not supported
  #clientCert = xxxxxxx
  #maxQueueSize = 20MB
  #sslPassword = xxxxxxxx
  #blockOnCloning = false
  #dropClonedEventsOnQueueFull = 10
  #useACK = false

Once you have that you need to configure routing in props.conf and transforms.conf

But quick example.


[my sourcetype]
TRANSFORMS-my_sourcetype_syslog = send_to_syslog


FORMAT = forwarders_syslog
If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!


Thank you @nickhillscpl Is it ok to specify 2 default groups as mentioned above.

1 default group for tcpout and the other for syslog?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

yes, because they are defaults for tcp (splunk2splunk) or syslog
You are just configuring a default group for each type of output.

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
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Thanks again @nickhills. Is it mandatory to have the props and transforms. what happens if I don't have those props and tranforms for the send_to_syslog.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Sorry, I was not very clear.
The props and transforms allows you to selectively send sourcetypes for routing - in case you didn't want to send everything to syslog you can use the routing config to be specific about which ones you do.

With a default set, everything will get routed - if you only wanted a subset, remove the default group settings, and use the props/transforms.

If you want everything you should not need the props/transforms

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma


Got it Thanks @nickhillscpl. Not sure what else needs to be verified I still do not see anything coming to my syslog server. Is there any way to troubleshoot the connection?

0 Karma


Hi pavanae,

Try sending some events using nc see this here

cheers, MuS

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