So i have numerous logs regarding user accessing app to order food for delivery.
based on the session id, and user id, I'm able to find the first and last timestamp of each session and calculate the duration of it.
However, I also want to calculate the duration between user firstly access the app and the moment the user places order.
basically each step the users engages with the app, there's a specific API for it. so the moment the user places order , there's field called route_path: API/place_order. I simply want to find out the timestamp where user placed order using this route_path field and find difference, anyone could help? appreciate it.
the current query only finds the first and last timestamp for each session.
index="some jason file" stats earliest(_time) as first,latest(_time) as last values(user_id) as user_id by session_id | convert ctime(first) as First ctime(last) as Last |eval duration=last-first | eval difference=strftime(duration,"%m/%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") | eval entire_session_duration=tostring(duration, "duration") | eval entire_session_time = replace(entire_session_duration,"(?:()+)?0?(\d+):0?(\d+):0?(\d+)"," \2h \3m \4s") | table user_id user_id session_id First Last entire_session_duration entire_session_time | search session_id!=""
UPDATE:(except route_path="api/place_order")
index="some json file"
| reverse
| streamstats current=f count(eval(route_path="api/place_order")) as session by user_id session_id
| stats range(_time) as duration min(_time) as First max(eval(if(route_path!="api/place_order",_time,NULL))) as Last by user_id session_id session
| eval entire_session_duration=tostring(duration, "duration")
| eval entire_session_time = replace(entire_session_duration,"(?:()+)?0?(\d+):0?(\d+):0?(\d+)"," \2h \3m \4s")
| convert ctime(First) ctime(Last)
| table user_id session_id First Last entire_session_duration entire_session_time
How about this?
UPDATE:(except route_path="api/place_order")
index="some json file"
| reverse
| streamstats current=f count(eval(route_path="api/place_order")) as session by user_id session_id
| stats range(_time) as duration min(_time) as First max(eval(if(route_path!="api/place_order",_time,NULL))) as Last by user_id session_id session
| eval entire_session_duration=tostring(duration, "duration")
| eval entire_session_time = replace(entire_session_duration,"(?:()+)?0?(\d+):0?(\d+):0?(\d+)"," \2h \3m \4s")
| convert ctime(First) ctime(Last)
| table user_id session_id First Last entire_session_duration entire_session_time
How about this?
thanks for the effort, so I want to extract the time not count for the route_path="api/place_order", is there a relative time command i can use ?
explore the transaction command using the session_id.
alternatively, you can use stats range(_time) by session_id
Firs things first, you should rewrite the query to include the steps. You should add a stats
command by <said field>
. This will give you the time for each action. Once you have this in a tabular format, you can than do another stats
on the data to find the difference in timestamp between the last action and first action which would give you the result you're looking for
thanks i will look into.
Just add the filters in your base search for specific API calls. E.g. index="some jason file" api="first_access_api_name" OR api="plac_order_api_name"
thanks, the fact is the first access api name varies as the user may open the app from different sources, such as text msg, app redirect, direct openning app, etc. so I couldn't specify the api for first access.
such as text msg, app redirect, direct openning app, etc
In the log, is written up?
each of those are indicated by specific API name. I thought about getting timestamp by include all possible API names upon first access. However, some APIs have multiple occurrences in a session. not like api/place_order, which will only occur once in a session, API such as API/shop etc may occur multiples times during a session because user click around here and there leading to duplicate logs basically. Thanks.
here's the example for better illustration.