Sample log data
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_begin’,’stage_type:’build’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:00:00’}
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_end’,’stage_type:’build’,’endtime’:’2019-08-15 15:10:00’}
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’exc_begin’,’stage_type:’exec’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:10:01’}
stage_state’:’exc_end’,’stage_type:’exec’,’end_time’:’2019-08-15 15:20:00’}
I am trying get a table like this output
Job_id stage time taken
1 Build. 10
1 Exc. 10
1 Total. 20
I am new to Splunk I tried a few things but. I cannot get nothing close to expected answer
Try this: Watchout for your single quotes in the code. I have blindly used your raw data. Tweak the code as per your needs. Accept and/or upvote my reply if it helps. Good luck.
| eval _raw=" {‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_begin’,’stage_type:’build’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:00:00’} "
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_end’,’stage_type:’build’,’end_time’:’2019-08-15 15:10:00’} "]
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’exc_begin’,’stage_type:’exec’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:10:01’}"]
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’exc_end’,’stage_type:’exec’,’end_time’:’2019-08-15 15:20:00’} " ]
`comment("Don't worry about anything above this line. It's just used for generating your raw data")`
| rex field=_raw "\’stage_type\:\’(?<Type>.*?)\s*\’\,"
|rex field=_raw "\’start_time\’\:\’(?<Start_Time>.*?)\s*\’"
|rex field=_raw "\’end_time\’\:\’(?<End_Time>.*?)\s*\’"
|rex field=_raw "\‘job_id\,\:\’(?<job_id>\d+)\’\,"
| transaction job_id startswith="end_time" endswith="start_time"
| eval Diff_in_secs=strptime(End_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")-strptime(Start_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eventstats sum(Diff_in_secs) as TotalDiff_in_secs
|table Start_Time End_Time Type Diff_in_secs TotalDiff_in_secs
Try this: Watchout for your single quotes in the code. I have blindly used your raw data. Tweak the code as per your needs. Accept and/or upvote my reply if it helps. Good luck.
| eval _raw=" {‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_begin’,’stage_type:’build’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:00:00’} "
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’build_end’,’stage_type:’build’,’end_time’:’2019-08-15 15:10:00’} "]
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’exc_begin’,’stage_type:’exec’,’start_time’:’2019-08-15 15:10:01’}"]
| eval _raw="
{‘job_id,:’1’, ‘stage_state’:’exc_end’,’stage_type:’exec’,’end_time’:’2019-08-15 15:20:00’} " ]
`comment("Don't worry about anything above this line. It's just used for generating your raw data")`
| rex field=_raw "\’stage_type\:\’(?<Type>.*?)\s*\’\,"
|rex field=_raw "\’start_time\’\:\’(?<Start_Time>.*?)\s*\’"
|rex field=_raw "\’end_time\’\:\’(?<End_Time>.*?)\s*\’"
|rex field=_raw "\‘job_id\,\:\’(?<job_id>\d+)\’\,"
| transaction job_id startswith="end_time" endswith="start_time"
| eval Diff_in_secs=strptime(End_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")-strptime(Start_Time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
| eventstats sum(Diff_in_secs) as TotalDiff_in_secs
|table Start_Time End_Time Type Diff_in_secs TotalDiff_in_secs