I am working on Chapter 2 of Big Data Analytics Using Splunk(Apress). I just got my copy of the newly released book and was going through the steps to use multiple host names as the test generator for creating files under C:/opt/log/BigDBBook-www1/access.log, C:/opt/log/BigDBBook-www2/access.log, C:/opt/log/BigDBBook-www3/access.log. After following all the steps I select SAVE and I get an error saying: "Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'monitor': Parameter name: Path does not exist" I have placed the logs in the c:/opt/log directory and have not been able to get past this error. Any help would be appreciated. Also I am using a Windows box.
I am trying to add all three logs under the Segment number 3 so that when I look at the index="mygizmostoreindex" my hosts within that index will display:
Use Windows backslash syntax for path to files.