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Does Splunk run IIS or Apache for its web server?


I need to find out an answer for what does Splunk run for its web server? Is it Apache, IIS or some other flavor. I have Splunk running on Windows Server 2012 R2.

Thank you.

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1 Solution


Hi molinarf,

SplunkWeb uses CherryPy, a Python-based web framework.
Find a list of software used in Splunk here

cheers, MuS

View solution in original post


Hi molinarf,

SplunkWeb uses CherryPy, a Python-based web framework.
Find a list of software used in Splunk here

cheers, MuS

Path Finder

this was a really good answer:)

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi there. So if we want to use a certificate signed by a third party certificate authority for accessing Splunk Web, we get asked (upon certificate download) which sort of server it is going to be installed on. Apache, IIS etc. etc. but no CherryPy. There is an 'other' for x509 certificate, would that do the job?


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Sorry for the late answer, but the best place to check this would be the docs

cheers, MuS

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