Hi All i have result in the below format :
"From abc customerId YETNAKCNK, operation create,consumedUnits 0"
"From abc customerId YETNAKCNJ, operation update,consumedUnits 2"
I have to convert the below data to the following format :
customerId operation consumedUnits
YETNAKCNK. create 0
YETNAKCNJ update 2
Can you please try this?
| rex field=_raw "customerId (?<customerId>.*),\soperation\s(?<operation>.*),consumedUnits\s(?<consumedUnits>.*)"
|table customerId operation consumedUnits
Sample Search
| makeresults
| eval event="From abc customerId YETNAKCNK, operation create,consumedUnits 0|From abc customerId YETNAKCNJ, operation update,consumedUnits 2"
| eval event=split(event,"|")
| mvexpand event
| rename event as _raw
| rex field=_raw "customerId (?<customerId>.*),\soperation\s(?<operation>.*),consumedUnits\s(?<consumedUnits>.*)"
|table customerId operation consumedUnits
and if i want to apply filter for the customer Id
jus add
| where customerId="YETNAKCNK"
Can you please try this?
| rex field=_raw "customerId (?<customerId>.*),\soperation\s(?<operation>.*),consumedUnits\s(?<consumedUnits>.*)"
|table customerId operation consumedUnits
Sample Search
| makeresults
| eval event="From abc customerId YETNAKCNK, operation create,consumedUnits 0|From abc customerId YETNAKCNJ, operation update,consumedUnits 2"
| eval event=split(event,"|")
| mvexpand event
| rename event as _raw
| rex field=_raw "customerId (?<customerId>.*),\soperation\s(?<operation>.*),consumedUnits\s(?<consumedUnits>.*)"
|table customerId operation consumedUnits