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Compatibility between forward linux server 32 bit and indexer version 7.2.6

New Member

¿Is there an incompatibility problem between the Linux 32 bit agent version (splunkforwarder-6.6.12-ff1b28d42e4c-Linux-i686) and the indexer version (7.2.6 Splunk Enterprise)? or are they fully compatible?.

I need to read logs from a 32 bit linux server, the indexer I have is splunk enterprise version 7.2.6, ¿what version of forwarder should I use?.

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1 Solution


It looks like these versions are partially compatible, in that event data should be forward-able.

Here is a compatibility matrix for the versions you mentioned.

And a list of known issues for the forwarder version you mentioned.

View solution in original post

0 Karma


It looks like these versions are partially compatible, in that event data should be forward-able.

Here is a compatibility matrix for the versions you mentioned.

And a list of known issues for the forwarder version you mentioned.

0 Karma

New Member

Hello mstephenson716

thanks for your time and for the information.


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