I have a .CSV file which has some threshold values. I want the values to be displayed in a report.
But, I also I want to do some changes to it, like I need to change the date format and then the values inside the .CSV file have to be displayed in a column.
I am new to Splunk.
Please help me with my query.
You can use the inputlookup method over there. Ingest the csv file using inputlookup and you can join those fields of those csv files using join command with your existing SPL query.
|eval uei = | input lookup filename.csv
I am getting error like eval command failed to parse the provided arguments
Uei is the column in that .CSV file which I want to show it in my report
Hi ,
You can try this method.
Write your SPL query in search head then |join type=left uei [ |inputlookup lookup.csv]
You can use the inputlookup method over there. Ingest the csv file using inputlookup and you can join those fields of those csv files using join command with your existing SPL query.
hi @viji261992
Thanks for posting. Could you give us some more context for your query? You have a much better chance of getting your question answered if you provide more information about your issue. Plus, it will help guide future community users who are facing a similar problem.
I have a .csv file called bad in which some threshold values are there, I want those values to be displayed in the report in one of the column
Hi @viji261992, can you please elaborate what kind of report you want to show?
The report is already in place I want to do some changes in it like I need to change the date format, then the values inside the .csv file has to be displayed in the the column, I will share you the query screenshot please let me know what modification has to be done. I am new to splunk.