I would like to set a search for the 24H of the current day: a time range from today 00:00:00 AM to real time now?
Is it possible?
If yes, could you explain to me how to do that?
Use earliest=@d latest=now
in the Advanced tab on the Time Range Picker, you could put "@d" in earliest and "now" in latest, would that work?
Thanks for your help 🙂
I'd like to set this range in real time.
I've found a solution with the values "rt-1@d" in earliest and "rt" in latest, inside the Advanced tab of the Time Range Picker.
It works, but if I enter the same value into the Search command line (earliest="rt-1@d" latest="rt"), I obtain the error: Invalid value "rt-1@d" for time term 'earliest'.
Do you know why?
The realtime time ranges are not designed to be applied inline in search. Read this for more details
Ok, thanks a lot.