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How to extract additional JSON objects from within my extracted JSON?

Path Finder

Hello All,

I was wondering how to go about extracting additional objects within my extracted JSON. For example here is a sample of one of my events I'm working with. Each of these key/value pairs are being extracted into their own fields. I would like to pull out additional fields by grabbing specific elements from the extracted fields.

    "oderNumber": 23994,
    "orderDelay": 120,
    "orderedDate": "2016/03/01 18:47:22",
    "processedDate": "",
    "orderDetails": "Account:11111, AccountName:1111-xxx, OrderIpAddress:",
    "orderProcessor": "user",
    "orderErrors": "",
    "acknowledgedErrors": "",
    "orderId": {
        "value": 97655

For example; from the orderDetails field I would like to extract Account, AccountName and OrderIpAddress into its own fields. How can I accomplish this?

Thanks for the help.

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0 Karma

Super Champion

See if the following generic option helps.
You can ignore everything up to foreach, as this is what I used to replicate your issue in my lab.

| stats count | fields - count
| eval _raw = "
    \"oderNumber\": 23994,
    \"orderDelay\": 120,
    \"orderedDate\": \"2016/03/01 18:47:22\",
    \"processedDate\": \"\",
    \"orderDetails\": \"Account:11111, AccountName:1111-xxx, OrderIpAddress:\",
    \"orderProcessor\": \"user\",
    \"orderErrors\": \"\",
    \"acknowledgedErrors\": \"\",
    \"orderId\": {
        \"value\": 97655
| spath
| foreach * [ 
    | eval temp = split('<<FIELD>>', ",")
    | eval size = mvcount(temp)
    | mvexpand temp
    | rex field=temp "^(?<key>[^:]+)\s?:\s?(?<value>.+)$"
    | eval {key} = if (size > 1, value, null())
    | fields - key, value, size, temp
| stats first(*) as * by _raw
0 Karma

Super Champion

I did not have luck using rex with orderDetails, but _raw worked:

... | rex field=_raw "\"Account\:(?<Account>[^,]+).*Name\:(?<AccountName>[^,]+).*OrderIpAddress\:(?<OrderIpAddress>[^\"]+)"  | Table Account,AccountName,OrderIpAddress,orderDetails
0 Karma


You can use a regex to extract these fields values if they are not already extracted. Try like this

.... | rex field=orderDetails "\w+:(?<acct>[^,]+),\s?\w+(?<name>[^,]+),\s?\w+(?<ip>[^\"]+)" | ...
0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Are you leveraging indexed_extractions = JSON or using another method?

0 Karma

Path Finder

Correct - based on the example data that I pasted each of the key/val pairs are extracted into their own field. The issue is that I want to further extract key/values from an extracted field.

"orderDetails": "Account:11111, AccountName:1111-xxx, OrderIpAddress:",

This is extracted as
orderDetails = Account:11111, AccountName:1111-xxx, OrderIpAddress:

I would like to extract account, accountName and OrderIpAddress into its own fields
Account = 111111
AccountName = 1111-xxxx
OrderIpAddress =

0 Karma
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