I've tried something like below with no luck.
curl -k -u admin:thepassword https://splunk_server:8089/servicesNS/admin/launcher/saved/searches/test_search/acl -d cron_schedule=/"*5 * * * *" -d sharing=app
Your URI should be something like:
/servicesNS/admin/search/saved/searches/test_search -d 'cron_schedule=5 *' -d 'sharing=app'
Also, make sure you use curl -v
when you're testing - the HTTP response code and the response body should tell you what you're doing wrong (eg if the url is wrong, or a parameter was incorrect). If you post that information into your question here as well it will help people out.
Your URI should be something like:
/servicesNS/admin/search/saved/searches/test_search -d 'cron_schedule=5 *' -d 'sharing=app'
Also, make sure you use curl -v
when you're testing - the HTTP response code and the response body should tell you what you're doing wrong (eg if the url is wrong, or a parameter was incorrect). If you post that information into your question here as well it will help people out.