I get the following error:
ERROR BucketMover - aborting move because recursive copy from src='C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk\f5test\warmdb\db_1380909713_1380904989_18' to dst='\\Splunk\Node01\F5test\inflight-db_1380909713_1380904989_18' failed (reason='The operation completed successfully.')
I is indication successful but i check the folder and there is nothing there.
I logged in to the server (windows 2012 R2) as the service account that runs splunkd and checked to make sure access was ok and im able to create/read/write ok. Also it created the F5Test folder when i added the cold path to the index so its not an access issue.
I ran procmon to see if it showed anything and I can see it trying to access the path
1:42:54.2746637 PM splunkd.exe 1684 CreateFile \\splunk\Node01\F5test\inflight-db_1380909713_1380904989_18 NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a
So that seems normal, based on the fact that the file isnt there and it should be the Copy (CreateFile is used for a lot of things)
Is there something else i can do to look at why this might not be working?
one part I left out, that was important to solving this was that i had moved the Warm files previously and it had screwed up the permissions so the problem was i didnt have access to move the local files. reset permissions and things started to move.
one part I left out, that was important to solving this was that i had moved the Warm files previously and it had screwed up the permissions so the problem was i didnt have access to move the local files. reset permissions and things started to move.