Upgraded from 4.3.x to 5.0.3 this week and noticed that exporting from UI only produces 100 lines of CSV. Yes, I checked "Unlimited" and even tried checking the 10000 lines option.
Using * | outputcsv myfile.csv
produces a csv file with the correct number of lines (more than 100).
It is not taking the maxout configuration that is 100 events in a search query by defafult.
Try this CLI example:
Without maxout:
./splunk search "| savedsearch name" -output csv > /data/test/export.csv
(in jobs view) | savedsearch Datos_Grupo_9 | head 100 | export add_timestamp=f add_offset=t format=csv segmentation=raw
With maxout:
./splunk search "| savedsearch name" -output csv -maxout 0 > /data/test/export.csv
(in jobs view) | savedsearch Datos_Grupo_9 | export add_timestamp=f add_offset=t format=csv segmentation=raw
So the setting that we used in version 4.3.x did not affect EXPORT but it does in version 5.0?
# maximum result rows to be returned by /events or /results getters from REST API
maxresultrows = 50000
you'll need to increase that, enjoy!
*shout-out to Rob C. too!
Thx Chubbybunny