Hi Forum,
i'm dealing with collectd data. This data generates events looking like this:
hostname.cpu-0.cpu-wait 0 1426497157
hostname.cpu-0.cpu-idle 99.25 1426497157
hostname.cpu-0.cpu-system 0.03 1426497157
hostname.cpu-0.cpu-nice 0 1426497157
hostname.cpu-0.cpu-user 0 1426497157
format it hostname.instance.metric value timestamp
As all data is piped into Splunk using udp import, I'm extracting the hostname from the event using props.conf and transforms.conf
write it to metadata:host.
TIME_PREFIX = ^.+\..+\..+\s.+\s
TRANSFORMS-mask= mask-collectd
REGEX = ^([^\.]+)\..+\..+\s.+\s.+
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
All Data is located in Index collectd. When doing a search (e.g.: index=collectd
) it shows me the hosts from the events at field hosts.
When doing a search with index=collectd host=*
I don't get back any(!) results. Even when clicking the field and choosing a hostname.
when using the metadata command:
| metadata type=hosts index=collectd
I get the hostnames from the event again.
For me it looks like only in some kind of metadata the hostname is rewritten. The search result shows the correct host field, but it's not usable. 😞
Any hints and best regards,
Try this in transforms.conf (props.can remain same)
REGEX = ^([^\.]+)\..+\..+\s.+\s.+
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
FORMAT = host::$1
Try this in transforms.conf (props.can remain same)
REGEX = ^([^\.]+)\..+\..+\s.+\s.+
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
FORMAT = host::$1
hi SomeSoni ..
can you help me with similar problem -
yes, perfect forgot the "host::" at FORMAT = ... thx, wouldn't find it for my own! 🙂
Use only props.conf in your app directory. try this following stanza:
EXTRACT-extract_hostname =( ?<hostname> ^([^.]+)..+..+s.+s.+)
yes, but then i would create a new field hostname. I want to replace the field "host".
background: the app is used in different enviroments. some environment have proper reverse dns resolution, some have not. For those who haven't i want to extract the hostname from the event. This is also done for sourcetype syslog in default.