I have a MultiSite indexing cluster, and a single Peer int site 2 is repeatedly reporting:
ERROR TcpInputProc - event=replicationData status=failed err="Got Done key for an unknown bucket without getting any data"
150 or so times at once.
restarting the peer (with cluster maint mode set) has had no effect.
Obviously there is no indication if this is one bucket many times, or lots of buckets.
I'm at a bit of loss how to diagnose further, but wonder if I should stop the indexer and let the cluster fixup, and then bring the indexer back online, unless anyone can provide a more scientific approach.
Reading this might help:
This query might also be useful:
| rest /services/cluster/master/info
| fields buckets_to_fix.*.latest.reason
| transpose
| rename column AS bucket "row 1" AS reason
| rex field=bucket "buckets_to_fix\.(?.*?)\.latest\.reason"
| rex field=bucket "(?[^~]*?)~"
| rex mode=sed field=reason "s/[0-9A-Z]{8}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{12}/{PEER}/"
@bohanlon [Splunk] - marked the query code but it's still missing the tags. Line 4 looks odd, too, please repost.