In my nav menu I define a dashboard by default but I would not like to see the name of the dashboard (mcafee_services_benchmarking) displayed in the splunk nav bar
<view name="mcafee_services_benchmarking" default='true' >
is it possible to dont display it please?
If you're seeing that, that means the dashboard itself has no title. You will need to edit that dashboard and give it a title at the top. As far as I can tell, spaces and invisible characters will be replaced with the word "None" so instead you might title it "." or "`" or "_"
If you're seeing that, that means the dashboard itself has no title. You will need to edit that dashboard and give it a title at the top. As far as I can tell, spaces and invisible characters will be replaced with the word "None" so instead you might title it "." or "`" or "_"