I am trying to use SQL DB CONNCECT app to integrate MS SQL server with splunk. I have installed the app successfully on SPLUNK. But when I am trying to configure the Database and trying to establish a connection and click on Save, it throws error as "Splunkd daemon is not responding: ('Error connecting to /servicesNS/admin/dbx/dbx/databases: The read operation timed out"/
I could not find any answer related to this issue. I have configured all the parameters as suggested. Please assist me regarding this.
I have sql server and splunk instance running on the same box.
I guess there is some configuration which i am missing as this is the easiest set up which we are using for test purpose
Can you confirm that you can connect to the SQL Server system from the box where you are running dbx? It sounds to me like you're not getting a response from the remote system. The dbx/databases endpoint , as far as I understand it, is waiting on the javabridge to return a connection from the remote system.
How do you do that?
Besides, I am using free version of SPLUNK. Not sre, if this can be any issue?
I have checked dbx logs at that time and there was no error reported. jbridge is running and I have configured local machine as addr and port as default for the same. I have installed server jre on my machine. Could you please let me know how to specify location for jbridge?
I have used both sa account and windows account as username to establish db connection. I am in a testing phase and is connected as a workgroup. I have splunk and ms sql installed on same server
Check the dbx log. Do you have the Java installed and location being specified for jbridge to run? Also do check the login id. Sometimes it needs domain to be specified. Try out with domain\username