We are in Multi-site clustered environment with Site RF and SF= 3 and for different indexes, we see a number of buckets listed as excess buckets. Due to some reason, we are unable to remove these buckets
Run the search below to get the list of extra buckets - you will run this on the cluster master. Note I have set “replication_count>3” which means it will list only buckets that have a number of copies above 3.
| rest /services/cluster/master/buckets filter=replication_count>3| rex field=title "^(?<repl_index>[^\~]+)"
| search repl_index="*" standalone=0 frozen=0
| rename title AS bucketID
| fields bucketID peers.*.search_state *site*
| untable bucketID siteState value
| rex field=siteState "peers\.(?<peerGUID>[^\.]*?)\.(?<siteState>search_state)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>primaries_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>rep_count_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>search_count_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| eval peerGUID=if(siteState=="primaries_by_site", value, peerGUID)
| eval site=if(siteState=="origin_site", value, site)
| eval value=if(siteState=="search_count_by_site", site + ":" + value, value)
| eval value=if(siteState=="rep_count_by_site", site + ":" + value, value)
| join type=outer peerGUID [ rest /services/cluster/master/peers
| fields active_* host* label title status site
| eval PeerName= site + ":" + label + ":" + host_port_pair
| rename title AS peerGUID
| rename site AS peerSite
| table peerGUID PeerName peerSite ]
| eval site=if(siteState=="search_state", peerSite, site)
| eval value=if(siteState=="primaries_by_site", PeerName + ":For_" + site, value)
| eval value=if(siteState=="search_state", PeerName + ":" + value, value)
| fields - PeerName peerGUID peerSite | chart values(value) over bucketID by siteState
For the list of the Buckets listed - check the Bucket REST end point using URL
check these buckets' REST end point for attribute "constrain_to_origin_site" . If this attribute has a value of '1' - it means that bucket was created before enabling multisite. These buckets won't be removed for excess copies.
Run the search below to get the list of extra buckets - you will run this on the cluster master. Note I have set “replication_count>3” which means it will list only buckets that have a number of copies above 3.
| rest /services/cluster/master/buckets filter=replication_count>3| rex field=title "^(?<repl_index>[^\~]+)"
| search repl_index="*" standalone=0 frozen=0
| rename title AS bucketID
| fields bucketID peers.*.search_state *site*
| untable bucketID siteState value
| rex field=siteState "peers\.(?<peerGUID>[^\.]*?)\.(?<siteState>search_state)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>primaries_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>rep_count_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| rex field=siteState "(?<siteState>search_count_by_site)\.(?<site>\S+)"
| eval peerGUID=if(siteState=="primaries_by_site", value, peerGUID)
| eval site=if(siteState=="origin_site", value, site)
| eval value=if(siteState=="search_count_by_site", site + ":" + value, value)
| eval value=if(siteState=="rep_count_by_site", site + ":" + value, value)
| join type=outer peerGUID [ rest /services/cluster/master/peers
| fields active_* host* label title status site
| eval PeerName= site + ":" + label + ":" + host_port_pair
| rename title AS peerGUID
| rename site AS peerSite
| table peerGUID PeerName peerSite ]
| eval site=if(siteState=="search_state", peerSite, site)
| eval value=if(siteState=="primaries_by_site", PeerName + ":For_" + site, value)
| eval value=if(siteState=="search_state", PeerName + ":" + value, value)
| fields - PeerName peerGUID peerSite | chart values(value) over bucketID by siteState
For the list of the Buckets listed - check the Bucket REST end point using URL
check these buckets' REST end point for attribute "constrain_to_origin_site" . If this attribute has a value of '1' - it means that bucket was created before enabling multisite. These buckets won't be removed for excess copies.