Splunk cloud indexer port 9997 is not listening for my splunk cloud instance .
Please let me know whether I cannot able to set the indexer port manually in Splunk cloud like Splunk enterprise?
How can I ensure whether the port(9997) is listening for splunk cloud indexer?
Note : I have already open the network flow from my splunk client which the universal forwarder installed (UF --->> Spluk indexer 9997)
Hi @sivauser
In Splunk cloud instance, if port 9997 is down or not listening then you need to raise a support ticket to investigate your issue by Splunk cloud networking team.
you can also check the connection by telnet between your forwarder and Splunk Cloud IP addresses on port 9997 by this way you can get the result that port 9997 is up and listening or not.
Hi @sivauser
In Splunk cloud instance, if port 9997 is down or not listening then you need to raise a support ticket to investigate your issue by Splunk cloud networking team.
you can also check the connection by telnet between your forwarder and Splunk Cloud IP addresses on port 9997 by this way you can get the result that port 9997 is up and listening or not.