When restoring buckets to thawedb, Splunk Web does not want to restart.
Here is the procedure:
Here are the main lines of the crash log file:
Received fatal signal 6 (Aborted).
Signal sent by PID 31817 running under UID 497.
Crashing thread: SplunkdSpecificInitThread
[0x00007F2E41B385F7] gsignal + 55 (/lib64/libc.so.6)
[0x00007F2E41B39CE8] abort + 328 (/lib64/libc.so.6)
[0x00007F2E41B31566] ? (/lib64/libc.so.6)
[0x00007F2E41B31612] ? (/lib64/libc.so.6)
[0x0000000000BBE5E7] _ZN14IndexerService35disableIndexesAndReinitGlobalConfigERKN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPK3StrSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EEEESA_ + 503 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BBF005] _ZN14IndexerService18initPerIndexConfigEP9StrVectorb + 309 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BC042C] _ZN14IndexerService12reloadConfigERK14IndexConfigRef + 428 (splunkd)
[0x0000000001011BF3] _ZN9EventLoop20internal_runInThreadEP13InThreadActorb + 291 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BBD9BB] _ZN14IndexerService16loadLatestConfigEP14IndexConfigRef + 411 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BBDB65] _ZN14IndexerService16loadLatestConfigEv + 21 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BBDEA2] _ZN14IndexerServiceC2Ev + 786 (splunkd)
[0x0000000000BBE231] _ZN14IndexerService14_new_singletonEv + 65 (splunkd)
[0x00000000009AF647] _ZN25SplunkdSpecificInitThread4mainEv + 135 (splunkd)
[0x00000000010A423E] _ZN6Thread8callMainEPv + 62 (splunkd)
[0x00007F2E41ECCDC5] ? (/lib64/libpthread.so.0)
[0x00007F2E41BF9C9D] clone + 109 (/lib64/libc.so.6)
Linux / splunk.myhost.local / 4.4.10-22.54.amzn1.x86_64 / #1 SMP Tue May 17 22:45:04 UTC 2016 / x86_64
Last few lines of stderr (may contain info on assertion failure, but also could be old):
2016-05-24 14:47:05.530 -0700 splunkd started (build cae2458f4aef)
splunkd: /home/build/build-src/ember/src/pipeline/indexer/IndexerService.cpp:928: void IndexerService::disableIndexesAndReinitGlobalConfig(const const_iterator&, const const_iterator&): Assertion `0 && "Cannot disable the default index."' failed.
2016-05-24 14:52:51.066 -0700 splunkd started (build cae2458f4aef)
2016-05-24 14:54:51.823 -0700 Interrupt signal received
2016-05-24 14:55:12.773 -0700 splunkd started (build cae2458f4aef)
splunkd: /home/build/build-src/ember/src/pipeline/indexer/IndexerService.cpp:928: void IndexerService::disableIndexesAndReinitGlobalConfig(const const_iterator&, const const_iterator&): Assertion `0 && "Cannot disable the default index."' failed.
Thread: "SplunkdSpecificInitThread", did_join=0, ready_to_run=Y, main_thread=N
What am I missing here?
Thank you very much in advance
Firstly you may need to find the reason for the below message and why it tries to disable the default index. Most common cases are bucket id conflict. Check the splunkd.log
splunkd: /home/build/build-src/ember/src/pipeline/indexer/IndexerService.cpp:928: void IndexerService::disableIndexesAndReinitGlobalConfig(const const_iterator&, const const_iterator&): Assertion `0 && "Cannot disable the default index."' failed.
What is shown in splunkd.log?
Bucket ID Collision! Thanks!
Does your indexes.conf have the default index disabled?
No it is not