Deployment Architecture

Splunk Search Head Captain Election

Path Finder


I have a question about the captain selection process.

Let me ask you a question using the example below.

1. In a clustering of four searchheads, the captain goes down.

2. Among the remaining three, the search header whose timer expired earliest asks the remaining two to vote.

3. The remaining two cars vote for the search header whose timer ended early.

4. Although two votes were received, the captain election failed because three votes were required due to the majority rule.

This is the process of captain selection in my opinion.

However, when I practiced it myself, even if one of the four planes was down, another captain was automatically selected from the three remaining planes. How is this possible when there are not enough votes?

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The candidate always votes for itself.  Therefore, there are three votes for the new captain.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.

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Path Finder

@richgalloway Thank you so much for the clear answer!


The candidate always votes for itself.  Therefore, there are three votes for the new captain.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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