I'm having issues with adding a PostgreSQL db using dbconnect. I've used a couple of guides without luck. I was hoping someone here might be able to help.
When I use the normal PostgreSQL database type on the heavy forwarder I get this error:
Encountered the following error while trying to update: Inhandler 'databases': Error connecting to database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "x.x.x.x", user "xxxx", database "xxxxx", SSL off.
I've tried the answer I found here: http://answers.splunk.com/answers/68899/dbx-connection-to-postgressql-error-ssl-off.html
But the new data type does not show up in the external database data input grouping, just in the regular database input grouping.
Any help would be appreciated
The problem doesn't seems to be the DB Connect, it seems to be your Postgres instance that is not configured to accept connections from your Splunk Heavy Fwd host.
Have a look on the pg_hba.conf file and some documentation, is quite straight forward to understand it, you basically define a source IP/netmask, db and the authentication method allowed. It works like a application firewall to prevent unauthorized access. You might need to restart/reload the Postgres after update the pg_hba.conf