I'm trying to add a shcluster-member into a search head cluster with a CLI command:
conf_deploy_fetch_url = https://jack-test-12.sv.splunk.com:8089
disabled = 0
mgmt_uri = https://99.99.999.4:8089
pass4SymmKey = test
The following message shows up in splunkd.log
01-13-2016 16:46:47.742 +0800 WARN SHPoolingHandler - Failed to proxy call to member. https://jack-test-12.sv.splunk.com:8089 WARN: call not properly authenticated
01-13-2016 16:46:47.840 +0800 WARN SHPoolingHandler - Failed to proxy call to member. https://jack-test-12.sv.splunk.com:8089 WARN: call not properly authenticated
The pass4SymmKey is incorrect, which is why you would receive these error messages and cannot add a new member to the search head cluster.
The pass4SymmKey is incorrect, which is why you would receive these error messages and cannot add a new member to the search head cluster.