I believe the following search displays the number of connections in one hour over 24 hours. I am looking for a search to show connection count over a 10 minute span in the last 24 hours. Trying to find persistent connections. 1 connection to an external IP every 10 minutes for 24 hours.
index=firewall earliest=-24h@h latest=@h | bucket _time span=1h | stats count by _time, dst, dstport | eventstats count(eval(count>0)) AS hours_non_zero BY dst dstport | search hours_non_zero>=24
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you!
index=firewall earliest=-24h@h latest=@h
| bucket _time span=10m
| stats count by _time, dst, dstport
| eventstats count(eval(count>0)) AS periods_non_zero BY dst dstport
| search periods_non_zero>=144