I have users getting the "maximum disk usage quota has been reached" message and from other questions and answers I see I need to increase the srchDiskQuota setting in the authorize.conf file.
I have a SHC and when I look for the authorize.conf file I see it in /opt/splunk/etc/system/default/authorize.conf - if I modify the file in that directory and then push out to my SHs, do I need to worry about the /opt/splunk/etc/system/default/authorize.conf being overwritten when I update Splunk in the future?
Yes, you do have to worry about the file being overwritten when you update Splunk. That is why every .conf file says to NOT modify the /default copy. Always make your changes in a /local directory.
Thx Rich - I'll create a new file under the /local directory
Yes, you do have to worry about the file being overwritten when you update Splunk. That is why every .conf file says to NOT modify the /default copy. Always make your changes in a /local directory.