I'm working on trying to figure out how to get the index name to show up correctly instead of placing the files in a folder named '$_index_name' on my backup folder on the indexer.
On the Cluster Master under $Splunk_Home/etc/master-apps/local/indexes.conf I have the following:
homePath = volume:primary/$_index_name/db --works correctly with variable
coldPath = volume:cold/$_index_name/db --works correctly with variable
coldToFrozenDir = /'foldername'/frozen/$_index_name --DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY -'foldername' is irrelevant here and just a name of a folder.
Now, on the Indexer, where I want the data to go is to /'foldername'/frozen/
It's getting there on the Indexer however, it's coming in as /'foldername'/frozen/$_index_name/db
I'm running into the issue that this '$_index_name' is not translating to the index name and has created a folder named '$_index_name' instead of the actual index name.
Looking for a little guidance and solution to this challenge.
Any insight will be helpful moving forward.
is not an environment variable. It's a Splunk shortcut available only for the hotPath, coldPath, and summaryHomePath attributes.
Ok, thanks. Is there a better way to set this up where it creates the 'index name' instead of the folder like it is doing with the databases under that folder?
Copy-and-paste the index name from the stanza to the attribute.