I have few queries as listed in the attached doc, please take a look and suggest.
We have added a new Indexer clustering (Genesis Splunk Master Node) in our test environment which have 2 indexer+1 Search Head + 1 Heavy Forwarder and 1 Master+deployment+cluster+license server.
Why are we not seeing any nodes under this group in Instances?
One Dummy Genesis (Indexer Cluster) is created by mistake (i'm sure I didn’t save but no idea) and not able to delete this cluster and can see master node under this group. We want to remove this how to do this please?
Can't find my instances? How to get them here I can see all my nodes under Distributed Management Console (DMC)->Settings->General Setup and the Indexer cluster name is Genesis Splunk Master Node
Can’t find the instances (Genesis Splunk Master Node) details under the Indexing - > Indexer clustering screen in DMC
This Dummy Genesis cluster under instances - DMC needs to be deleted, please help.
Hi Adonio,
Cant find the dummy instance which was added by mistake here in DMC settings. Also no delete option under edit?
still cant see my nodes under the Genesis Splunk Master Node instances .
hi ajaykumarbs,
you can go to settings -> MC -> settings (in the nav bar) -> General Setup and now click edit on the instance you would like to delete
also go to settings (splunk black nav bar top right) -> distributed search -> Search Peers -> remove the peer you would like
Hope i understood your question
Hi Adonio,
Cant find the dummy Instance (Genesis)which was created by mistake to delete, also no delete option under Edit
No nodes shown under the Genesis Splunk Master Node in instances, any ideas why?