Hi, I have 2 indexers running in cluster and from the cluster master, i am getting the "Getting Missing Suitable candidates to create replicated copy in order to meet replication policy error."
I tried roll and resync but the same error keeps coming back. if they can't roll and resync, my only choice is to delete, but how do I mass delete instead of clicking one by one to delete?
any solution to this issue, i am also having same problem after upgrading to Splunk 9.2.2
This is some of the splunkd.log from the indexer 2 that is having issues.
I have been trying to delete copy from replication factor that is pending to be fixed, but this error keeps coming back.
based on last picture your second search peer (indexer) is not up and running. Please look from it's internal logs why it's not working and fix it. After it's again up and running this issue should fixed automatically.
r. Ismo
Hi, the second search peer (indexer) has been up and running as shown in the License Master -> Monitoring Console -> "Instances".
But this issue still persists.