We had to restore the Splunk indexer from a backup, loosing the 'colddb'. I now see the folowing ERROR in splunk.log, anything I need to worry about?
10-11-2018 11:22:50.108 +0200 ERROR DispatchReaper - Failed to reap D:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\remote_pvpsvgs6c01_scheduler_nobody_RUNCLUF1ZGl0RMD524612f09816f458b_at_1536120900_323 because of The directory is not empty.
10-11-2018 11:22:50.117 +0200 ERROR DispatchReaper - Failed to reap D:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\remote_PVPSVHC2C01_SummaryDirector_1536121209.679 because of The directory is not empty.
10-11-2018 11:23:20.074 +0200 ERROR DispatchReaper - Failed to reap D:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\remote_pvpsvgs6c01_schedulernobody_RUNCLUF1ZGl0_RMD524612f09816f458b_at_1536120900_323 because of The directory is not empty.
10-11-2018 11:23:20.091 +0200 ERROR DispatchReaper - Failed to reap D:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\dispatch\remote_PVPSVHC2C01_SummaryDirector_1536121209.679 because of The directory is not empty.
10-11-2018 11:23:21.473 +0200 WARN DatabaseDirectoryManager - Directory='D:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk_internaldb\colddb\911_8E7523CC-5821-453D-AE7E-7E46FB5189E5' does not exist. The directory representing this bucket might have just rolled.
Have you checked the ownership of directories: under $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/dispatch. it might be the case that ownership is root and you are running splunk as splunk user.
This can happen when a user runs splunk as root by mistake and then later on runs as splunk. This is what happened in our case.
It looks like we have a courrupted and unreadable *_323 directory. May I simple delete this?