Hello! I am new to Splunk and am tasked with automating the deployment (many many indexers on bare metal). I noticed that are two projects on github and was wondering if someone could clarify some questions.
I know that these are broad questions. I would just like some advice on what project to go with.
Much thanks,
There was a presentation about using ansible to automate your splunk build at conf2020. You can view the slides and video on the splunk conf link https://conf.splunk.com/watch/conf-online.html
I believe the talk was https://conf.splunk.com/watch/conf-online.html?search=Tru1504c#/
The name of the splunk-ansible project is a bit of misnomer. You are correct in that it was built solely for the purpose of deploying Splunk inside of Docker containers. ansible-role-for-splunk was built for managing non-Docker Splunk hosts. It also integrates with git for managing all of the apps, TAs, and configurations throughout your deployment and environments.
Thanks @masonmorales, I ended up using your ansible-role-for-splunk project for our deployment and made some changes for our needs. Much thanks!
@gjanders , great resource! I watched it and learned about the ansible-role-for-splunk project. It seems that both ansible-role-for-splunk and splunk-ansible both have their features and drawbacks. I did, however find an example wrapper in splunk-ansible. I think I'm going to tailor that to work for Centos/RedHat.
Much thanks!!
Hi @callemang I am one of the maintainers of ansible-role-for-splunk. If there is functionality that you'd like to see that is currently missing, please submit an enhancement request on our project's GitHub issue tracker.
We are using AWX and looking at on-boarding the Splunk Ansible Role project code there. Has anybody done this? Any key insights to share? Thanks.
There are two different projects we discussed, so I am not sure which you are referring to.
I looked into both in detail and went with ansible-role-for-splunk (https://github.com/splunk/ansible-role-for-splunk) because splunk-ansible is made for containerized deployments. We have been using that project in Tower for about a year now for new builds, version control in git, and general maintenance. We love it.
The project queues off of host groups a lot, so you will need to organize your inventory based off of their recommendations. It's a good structure to keep you organized, though.
Thank you for response.
Can you tell me what versions of Python and Ansible you are using with Ansible Role for Splunk? Thanks.
There was a presentation about using ansible to automate your splunk build at conf2020. You can view the slides and video on the splunk conf link https://conf.splunk.com/watch/conf-online.html
I believe the talk was https://conf.splunk.com/watch/conf-online.html?search=Tru1504c#/