We have some staging servers in the cloud and are turned down after business hours.
Is there any method in With the Deployment server to ignore and not report on the node as being missing ?
Hi @jcorcoran508,
No, I'm sorry!
for my knowledge is isn't possible to manage exceptions in some hours of the day, but anyway the check is performed every 15 minutes by Monitoring Console and every several minuts (it depends on the number of clients) by the Deployment Server, so when they restart you don't have any warning from them.
You could add this feature to Splunk ideas (https://ideas.splunk.com/?_gl=1*2u9krr*_ga*MTAyODgxMjAwNy4xNjUwMjYzNzU4*_gid*MTI0OTQ2MDAxOC4xNjU1NzA...) for new Splunk versions.