I have a deployment, where 2 HF's are acting as DS. and they are both connected to MC for licensing at port 8089.
In HF 1 i tried to connect some Deployment Client (DC) and they were successfully connected to HF.
In HF 2 I tried the same method, bur DC are connecting to Monitoring console instead of DS.
Why is this behaviour happening.
I need some clarification. Are the HFs acting as deployment clients (DCs) or deployment servers (DSs)? You can't have 2 DSs in the same environment prior to Splunk 9.2. If the HFs are DCs then where is the DS?
Is the MC a separate instance?
You set up HF2 using "the same method". What exactly was that method? We can't tell where you went wrong without knowing what you did.
So to be clear,
We have different sites, where we deployed different HFs which will also act as DS, not DC. These HFs are connected with single MC to get licensing and stuff, these HFs cant communicate with each other so they dont know anything about each other.
Now the senario is, We have 2 HF, which are only initial deployments, connecting with indexers as outputs.conf. will act as DS, one HF is connecting properly with uf and acticing as DS, second is not and forwarding the traffic to our MC which is used for licensing
Still the "is connecting with the UF" part eludes me.
It's the DC that connects to the DS, not the other way around. Also "forwarding traffic" is also a strange term here. What do you mean? Sending events via outputs to MC?
Here I mean HF 1 is working as DS for UFs acting as DCs.
Other HF i.e HF 2, is not working as DS for UFs acting as DCs, but rather forwarding the clients info to MC
I dont want my MC to act as DS, I want my HFs to act as DS.
Why one is working correctly, other is not
What do you mean by "HF is forwarding clients to MC"? A DC is issuing a POST to server's 8089 port for a /services/broker/phonehome/<client_info> endpoint. A server either responds if it's a DS or sends 404 if it isn't if I remember correctly. I don't recall any "relaying".
What do you mean by "forwarding client info to MC"? Do you see POST /services/broker/phonehome/connection/... entries in splunkd_access.log on the MC? What is the deploymentclient.conf on your UFs? (effective config - from the btool output)
To be precise, you could use two DS-es in the same environment prior to 9.2 but they would need to serve different DCs (or you'd have to have some huge load-balanced setup but that's clearly not what we're talking about here).
Anyway, +1 on that question about setting up the HF. Especially since you can't set a server externally as a DC for a given DS (unless you're using DS to distribute an app updating the DC settings but again - it's almost surely not the case here).