I have 3 search heads . can I restart those from deployer server using below command?
splunk rolling-restart shcluster-members -status 1
My indexer cluster and deployer are on same instance .
when I see from Web UI in Indexer Clustering: Master Node , it shows my search head servers, however when I run " ./splunk show shcluster-status" on same server it says below ..
"Search Head Clustering is not enabled on this node. REST endpoint is not available."
Also "./splunk show cluster-status " shows all indexer details correctly.
hello there,
i think you are confusing the Deployer - controlling the members of the Search Head Cluster with the
Cluster Master - controlling the peers in an Indexer Cluster
read here about Deployer and SHC architecture: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.0.3/DistSearch/SHCarchitecture
read here about Cluster Master: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.0.3/Indexer/Basicclusterarchitecture
hope it helps
thank you for the links.
just want to check , if I have configured deployer , will I be able to restart my search head server from deployer server ?
Also if the deployer is configured correctly , I should be able to see the search head cluster status from deployer server ( when I run ./splunk show shcluster-status ) . at the moment it is now showing cluster status
Or is it that I need to study more in Splunk?
Thank you
Both SHC Status and rolling restart CLI command can only be invoked by Cluster member search heads. Deployer's only role is for configuration deployment to SHC.