I need to calculate cost of rest calls in my application, and group it by service.
In other words I need to build F(_time, count_of_calls * avg_call_time) by service, something like this:
source="_mySource" "[PERFEVENT]" AND("T=SERVICE_CALL") | rex field=_raw "URL=/(?<service>\w+)/.*\|EXEC" | rex field=_raw "EXEC=(?<exec_time>.+)\|CNT" | timechart usenull=f useother=f limit=0 span=10m avg(exec_time)*count() by service
Of course
does not work, but that is exactly what I need. I tried different approaches but nothing works. Has anybody solved the similar problem? Or it in not possible to build query like this?
Why not calculate the actual total execution time?
...| timechart limit=0 useother=f usenull=f span=10m avg(exec_time) sum(exec_time) by service
Why not calculate the actual total execution time?
...| timechart limit=0 useother=f usenull=f span=10m avg(exec_time) sum(exec_time) by service
yes, it makes sense, thank you.