Version 6.2.3. I have a dashboard that allows the time range and span to be set at the top for all panels. Most panels' data is gathered every minute. One is gathered every 5 minutes. I would like to specify a dashboard span of 2m, but this produces a spiky visualization for the 5 minute panel (every other plot point is zero).
I thought minspan would fix this, but it doesn't. I tried overriding it by setting a variable called this_span to 10m, but I get an error that I can't say "span=this_span".
Here's the search:
index=os sourcetype=interfaces | multikv fields Name MAC inetAddr inet6Addr Collisions RXbytes RXerrors TXbytes TXerrors Speed Duplex | sort 0 _time | streamstats current=f last(RXbytes) as last_RXbytes last(TXbytes) as last_TXbytes by host | eval delta_rxbytes=RXbytes-last_RXbytes | eval delta_txbytes=TXbytes-last_TXbytes | eval delta_rxbytes=if(delta_rxbytes<0, 0, delta_rxbytes) | eval delta_txbytes=if(delta_txbytes<0, 0, delta_txbytes) | timechart useother=f minspan=10m avg(delta_rxbytes) AS bytes_rx, avg(delta_txbytes) AS bytes_tx by host_short
Now using the magnifying glass to get the search shows it put 'span=2m' after the minspan setting. And if I run that search, it plots it spiky; if I take the span=2m out, it plots correctly, but I have no way of doing that when it's in the dashboard.
This looks like another form of SPL-59079, only that was fixed some time ago.
As per the documentation on timechart
Syntax: minspan=<span-length>
Description: Specifies the smallest span granularity to use automatically inferring span from the data time range.
is only used when inferring span from the time range. If you set span
you turn off this inference.
To influence the span from inputs and use minspan
you can combine it with bins
to tune the inference without turning it off.
As per the documentation on timechart
Syntax: minspan=<span-length>
Description: Specifies the smallest span granularity to use automatically inferring span from the data time range.
is only used when inferring span from the time range. If you set span
you turn off this inference.
To influence the span from inputs and use minspan
you can combine it with bins
to tune the inference without turning it off.
You are setting the span
into the search using some $token$
, right? That's the same as writing it into the search itself, and causes the minspan
to be ignored as per the docs.
Let the user set bins
instead of span
. Then you're much more flexible with respect to different time ranges being set, and you can use minspan
along with bins
For example, you could have a dropdown with three settings "finest", "fine", "regular" that map to 500, 200, 100 bins.
Yes, but this search is in a panel on a dashboard that has an input for the span. I'm not putting the span setting into the search directly, it's being picked up from that dashboard input. How do I set the span for the search on this panel to be the greater of 10m or whatever that input is set to?
To simplify reproduction, the same happens for these searches:
index=_internal | timechart span=10m minspan=30m count
index=_internal | timechart minspan=30m span=10m count