hi there,
i have xml files which are indexed with KV_MODE=xml. i want to stats on the values on datagroup name="mem-used-percent"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<myobjects-sensor-data ms-duration="3244">
<timeTimeDate>2017-04-30 23:55:15</timeTimeDate>
<sensor name="mem-data" status="INFO" duration-ms="2">
<datagroup name="mem-used-percent">
<sensor name="anotherone" status="INFO" duration-ms="2">
the sensor data gets recognized in preview for example:
myobjects-sensor-data.sensors.sensor.sensorData.datagroup.probe.value = 25.4
but as there are multiple *probe.value i dont know how to exactly adress this value by the name of the "datagroup".
...| spath output=memdaten path="myobjects-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{@name="mem-data"}.datagroup{@name="mem-used-percent"}.probe.value"
wont work.
what am i doing wrong?
hi there,
one possible solution is a combination of KV_MODE=xml, rex and mvzip. for example:
eval sensorstatuses=mvzip('myobject-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{@name}','myobject-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{@status}')
| rex "<key>gps-latitude<\/key>\s*<value>(?<gps_latitude>.*)<\/value>"
its not nice, but works for now until someone comes up with a better solution
hi there,
one possible solution is a combination of KV_MODE=xml, rex and mvzip. for example:
eval sensorstatuses=mvzip('myobject-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{@name}','myobject-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{@status}')
| rex "<key>gps-latitude<\/key>\s*<value>(?<gps_latitude>.*)<\/value>"
its not nice, but works for now until someone comes up with a better solution
shouldnt it be possible with xpath? i tried but this did not work. any suggestions?
xpath "//myobject-sensor-data/sensors/sensor[@name='mem-data']/datagroup[@name='mem-used-percent']/probe/value" outfield=myfield
Instead of name it will be based on number if you are using spath
| spath output=memdaten path="myobjects-sensor-data.sensors.sensor{1}.datagroup.probe.value"
If you have already defined KV_MODE=xml in your sourcetype, you can table all the required field names as separate columns and then perform search/filter
thanks, adressing with a number works but if the structure changes this would not be realy reliable. so i wonder if there is a better solution.
if using table i get a massive ammount of multivalue fields, in which i cant identifiy to which keys the values belong..