Dashboards & Visualizations

how to access labels and values of form multi select inputs in splunk


i have a multi select input and able to get the values but want to get all the label values.



<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="multiselect" token="endpoint" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="/project/api-aaa/v1.0">api-aaa</choice>
<choice value="/project/api-bbb/v1.0">api-bbb</choice>
<choice value="/project/api-ccc/v1.0">api-ccc</choice>
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
<set token="dropToken_label">$label$</set> // this is working partially and able to get first label which is `api-aaa`



`<set token="dropToken_label">$label$</set>` // this is working partially and able to get first label which is `api-aaa`

i need to access all the labels selected ?

Labels (2)
0 Karma


The selected inputs are in the $endpoint$ token.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma


i already mentioned in the question  able to get the values but want to get all the label values.

0 Karma


i need access to labels ? 

0 Karma
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