I use the stats below in order to display a pie chart with 2 labels
| stats count as NbHostHealthInf85
| appendcols
[| inputlookup host.csv
| stats count as NbIndHost]
| eval NbHostHealthSup85 = (NbIndHost - NbHostHealthInf85)
| eval NbHostHealthSup85=NbHostHealthSup85, NbHostHealthInf85=NbHostHealthInf85
| table NbHostHealthSup85 NbHostHealthInf85
| transpose
I need to replace NbHostHealthSup85 by >85% and NbHostHealthInf85 by <85%
What is the good way to do this because I m doing for example | stats count as "<85%" but it doesnt works
Try renaming:
| stats count as NbHostHealthInf85
| appendcols
[| inputlookup host.csv
| stats count as NbIndHost]
| eval NbHostHealthSup85 = (NbIndHost - NbHostHealthInf85)
| eval NbHostHealthSup85=NbHostHealthSup85, NbHostHealthInf85=NbHostHealthInf85
| table NbHostHealthSup85 NbHostHealthInf85
| rename NbHostHealthSup85 as ">85%", NbHostHealthInf85 as "<85%"
| transpose
Try renaming:
| stats count as NbHostHealthInf85
| appendcols
[| inputlookup host.csv
| stats count as NbIndHost]
| eval NbHostHealthSup85 = (NbIndHost - NbHostHealthInf85)
| eval NbHostHealthSup85=NbHostHealthSup85, NbHostHealthInf85=NbHostHealthInf85
| table NbHostHealthSup85 NbHostHealthInf85
| rename NbHostHealthSup85 as ">85%", NbHostHealthInf85 as "<85%"
| transpose
perfect thanks
Since | stats count as "<85%" this will create a field named ,"<85%" and field name should not start with a relational operator hence it doesn't work. Try naming the count field as something "Lessthan85" and it will work