My search displays 'no results'
index=* sourcetype="CKBG"
| where CB != GB
| timechart count span=1d
When I use statscount instead it displays '0' . This also what I need. Ik palyed around with fillnull but dont seem to get it working
Try like this
index=* sourcetype="CKBG"
| where CB != GB
| timechart span=1d count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time | table _time count]
index=* sourcetype="CKBG"
| where CB != GB
| timechart span=1d count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval time=info_min_time." ".info_max_time | table time count | makemv time| mvexpand time | rename time as _time | timechart span=1d max(count) as count]
let me know if this helps!
Thanks, the first one works. Don't really understand how it works but thats beside the point. Only thing is that it does not show a trendline now. Second one does not display results.
what is your exact query?
the one i put in my question
I used this one (yours)
index=* sourcetype="CKBG"
| where CB != GB
| timechart span=1d count | appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | addinfo | eval _time=info_min_time | table _time count]
how will it show trendline automatically? you would need to use trendline command at the end of the query right?
No, trendline is selected in 'menu' 'formatting visualisation'
Can you please look at this answer:
It might give you an answer.
This answers 'talks' about when there is no result. I have a result, but that is '0' . Besides that, I use a timechart which isn't mentioned in the answer