Hello, has anyone done the lookup to create a chloropleth map based on city code ? (code postal)
(it's doable by following https://www.splunk.com/blog/2015/10/01/use-custom-polygons-in-your-choropleth-maps.html , but i'm lazy )
Yes you could do in following the blog that you have mentioned.
To work quickly I give you some tips:
Hope it can help...
Yes you could do in following the blog that you have mentioned.
To work quickly I give you some tips:
Hope it can help...
thanks for the kml link!
Thanks, why not just downloading the kml version from your link ? Can you share your kml ?
You could but I prefer in a first step to go through QGIS in order to be sure that the format file is correct. It allows to do some modifications like forcing the feature that will be used by Splunk. My modified KML is at that place: https://splunk.box.com/v/fr-cities-kml