I have a datasource that reads in events in XML format. Could someone please help me build a props.conf that will extract all fields and show the events in treeview. Sample event below
Mon Apr 28 16:45:57 EDT 2014 name="TOPIC_msg_received" event_id="ID:404040" msg_dest="SplunkTopic" msg_body="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ELLogInputLayout xmlns="http://www.test.com/1"><ELLogInputMessage> <Header> <LogEventTypeCode>ERROR</LogEventTypeCode> <LogSeverityCode>CRITICAL</LogSeverityCode> <LogEventDateTime>9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999-05:00</LogEventDateTime> </Header> <SourceInformation> <EAPMId>2</EAPMId> <HostMachineName>HostMachineName3</HostMachineName> <HostEnvironmentName>HostEnvironmentName3</HostEnvironmentName> <ComponentId>ComponentId3</ComponentId> <ComponentName>ComponentName3</ComponentName> <ApplicationEventCorrelationId>ApplicationEventCorrelationId3</ApplicationEventCorrelationId> <UserId>UserId3</UserId> <UserSrc>UserSrc3</UserSrc> <BusinessDomainId>BusinessDomainId3</BusinessDomainId> <BusinessDomainName>BusinessDomainName3</BusinessDomainName> </SourceInformation> <ErrorInformation> <ErrorCode>ErrorCode3</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>ErrorDescription3</ErrorDescription><DetailedErrorInformation>DetailedErrorInformation3</DetailedErrorInformation> </ErrorInformation> <DetailedLogInformation>anyType</DetailedLogInformation> </ELLogInputMessage></ELLogInputLayout>"
Try this.
TIME_FORMAT = %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %T %Y
pulldown_type = 1
REPORT-xmlkv = xmlkv-alternative
REGEX = <([^\s\>]*)[^\>]*\>([^<]*)\<\/\1\>
FORMAT = $1::$2
I like this solution using transforms.conf
MV_ADD = 1
REGEX = \<(\w+[^\n\/\>]+)\/?\>([^\<\n][^\<]*)\<
FORMAT = $1::$2
MV_ADD = 1
REGEX = \<(\w+ [^\n\/\>]+)\/?\>
FORMAT = param::$1
MV_ADD = 1
SOURCE_KEY = param
REGEX = (\w+(?: \w+)*)="(?!host|source|sourcetype|index|splunk_server)(\w+)"
FORMAT = $1::$2
Try this.
TIME_FORMAT = %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %T %Y
pulldown_type = 1
REPORT-xmlkv = xmlkv-alternative
REGEX = <([^\s\>]*)[^\>]*\>([^<]*)\<\/\1\>
FORMAT = $1::$2
I have a .log file which has mix of system logs and in between request & response XMLs of actual transactions going within my application. I only want those XML transactions only to be shown in splunk and do not want to see the other logging information. Is there a way to achieve this?
when you have an input that is true json or xml you can have the view of the events in a tree structure where you hit the + sign to see nested information.
Could you be more specific what you mean by pull down view?
That extracted all the fields, thanks! Wish there was a way to get a pull down view but this will do the trick if that's not possible.
Have your tried KV_MODE = XML in props.conf ??
From docs:
KV_MODE = [none|auto|multi|json|xml]
* Used for search-time field extractions only.
* Specifies the field/value extraction mode for the data.
* Set KV_MODE to one of the following:
* none: if you want no field/value extraction to take place.
* auto: extracts field/value pairs separated by equal signs.
* multi: invokes the multikv search command to expand a tabular event into multiple events.
* xml : automatically extracts fields from XML data.
* json: automatically extracts fields from JSON data.
* Setting to 'none' can ensure that one or more user-created regexes are not overridden by
automatic field/value extraction for a particular host, source, or source type, and also
increases search performance.
* Defaults to auto.
* The 'xml' and 'json' modes will not extract any fields when used on data that isn't of the correct format (JSON or XML).
Yes, I tried using KV_MODE = XML but it is not picking up. Is the only way to do individual field extraction?
This may not work as the event is not pure xml (its a combination of key value pair with embedded xml). You might have to extract all xml fields using field extractor.