Dashboards & Visualizations

Why value 0 always align left?


Every time I create a table visualization, I notice that the value 0 is always aligned on the left side while the rest is aligned on the right side. (322, 3483,0,0 is in the same column)


Is there any reason behind it and any way to fix this? Thanks!


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By default, strings are aligned left and numerics are aligned right - for some reason your 0 is a string. Please check your search, or post it with some sample data so we can investigate further.

0 Karma


Sure! Let me try to give partial of my data here.

host :host01

     Started: true
     TotalConnectionCount: 0
     Uptime: 3 days 3 hours
     UptimeMillis: 271021770

My search query involving the field that have problem is something like this.

<search query> | spath output=metrics path=metrics | stats latest(metrics.Started) as started, latest(metrics.TotalConnectionCount) as connectionCount by host |eval state = if(started="true","UP","DOWN") 
| table host, state, connectionCount

The problem comes with connectionCount. If it's not 0, it aligns right. If it's 0, it aligns left.

Ps. Actually after I investigate this, this problem does not occur on Splunk search, but on the Splunk Dashboard Studio when I use the table on my dashboard. Any ideas?

0 Karma


Dashboard Studio is still under development so some features which are available in SimpleXML / Classic dashboards are either not available or not fully working, it will depend on which version of Splunk you are using.

0 Karma


What's the query and data that this comes from?

0 Karma
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